Food Trends 2022

Flexitarian food

Retailers take note: the flexitarian movement is going strong. In Whole Foods Market’s latest Trends Council report, ‘reducetarianism’ was dubbed a top trend to watch for 2022, perfect for “plant-curious eaters” who aren’t ready to give up meat entirely. The plant-based food sector is certainly growing – online food platform ShelfNow said between 2020 and 2021 sales of vegetarian food products increased by 156% and vegan product sales jumped 150% and products like dairy and meat alternatives are a growing market.

But according to Whole Foods, the flip side of the flexitarian diet means that the highest quality meat, dairy, and eggs are also in demand. This is because consumers are more aware of animal wellness and environmental concerns, so they’re focusing on quality over quantity. Waitrose’s 2022 Food & Drink Report found that nearly 70% of surveyed customers said the carbon footprint of their food was important.

Nostalgic desserts

The novelty of retro foods has not worn off on Indian consumers, who are still returning to nostalgic recipes for a dose of comfort food. Younger generations are getting involved too, So expect a surge in people who are loving to eat the Kesari Bath and Obattu.

Potato Milk

Could potato milk be the next big thing to disrupt the vegan milk alternatives sector? The innovative brand DUG has caught the eye of experts, from Waitrose’s buyers to food consultant Heather Morris of SHFoodie, who are excited by its sustainable credentials as well as its creamy flavour. With alternative-milks like oat milk and almond milk continuing to penetrate the diary market, there is good reason to believe the hype that plant-based milk will continue to grow in popularity.

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