About the Association
Bruhath Bangalore Hotels Association is an 82 Years old institution, Established in the year 1936 by founder President Shri. B.T . Ramaiah
We are the voice of the Bangalore Hotels and Hospitality industry, we represent the interests of 5000+ restaurants and Hospitality chains
Our Mission
Affiliated to Federation of Hotels & Restaurants in India(FHRI), SHRI, LATO. Active member of FKCCI, Bangalore. Permanent Invitee to the advisory panel of Department of Tourism, Department of Labour of Karnataka Government. Immediate task ahead hotel industry is one which so well knitted with the daily needs of society like any other infrastructure sector. Hoteliers in Bangalore and Karnataka are oppressed by frequent and constantly changing statue, regulations and unfriendly implementation by various statutory agencies, while most other states have recognized the hardships of hoteliers. we need to unite and stand for the regulations which are people friendly. Our immediate next agenda would be:
Opposing Hike in Licensing fees
To form a hard core group to oppose against steep hike in Bar licence fee.
Enhance Room Rent Limit
To represent suitably enhance threshold limit on room rents defined under Luxury Tax Act.
Waive Tax on Catering
To represent for a waiver of service tax on outside catering of prepared fresh/perishable food preparations.
Opposing GST on FMCG and Persihable goods
To strongly represent before State Government to oppose GST on Prepared Fresh/perishable food Preparations.
Usage of LPG Cylinders
To obtain suitable notification by ESI authorities exempting usage of certain number LPG cylinders in hotel / eatery from ESI coverage.
Acheivements of BBHA
1. BBHA was successful in bringing down control GST@5% witha continuous deliberation and representation.
2. System of single window clearing procedure for renewing licence brought into force to simplifying the prosess of issue of licence.
3. Waste disposal of the hotel was brought in the preview of individual hoteliers by filing write petition to Karnataka High Court.
4. Public interest litigation initiated by the BBHA vending in foot path and open places was opposed.
5. During severe coin shortage, BBHA medicated with RBI and resolved the issue by arranging short coins.
6. Free legal aid to provided to the members.
7 Conducted several Annual conference involving eminent Speakers from different fields.
8. Decision of Bangalore City Commissioners order restricting the business till at midnight was challenged before High Court of Karnataka
9. Stay order was granted against FSSAI Act.
10. On escalation of matter before authorities permission to keep the hotels open was granted to 1:00am